Saturday, August 21, 2010

He's Back to Infect and Perfect

Have to admit that MW has had a slow summer. Maybe not slow, but a little of the same ol', same ol'. Not really any new girls or any plans. But as school goes back into session he has revised his game plan to 'infect and perfect his imperfections'. His words not mine.

He has decided in order for him to maximize his wins he needs to find side chicks who already have boyfriends. By doing this, he feels that both he and the girl will have something to lose should the girl start feeling guilty and want to tell his main girl of their extracurriculars.

Although in theory, I can see how this plan may work there are some problems he will be facing. One being that not all girls are cheaters. Two being that not all girls are going to cheat on their boyfriends with him. MW in true form was quick with his answer.

He tells me that this plan is a slow cooker. Meaning that even if the girl doesn't go straight for the hook up, he will slowly infiltrate himself in as a friend. Wait in the wings until side chick and boyfriend have a fight and then BAM! he's in. He's there to reassure her that she deserves better. And by better, he means himself.

I try not to cock block my MW friend, because he is young, dumb and full...of it. But, little does he know that this kind of behavior will catch up with him, which as a young lad he really doesn't care about because he is having fun now. So fun he shall have.

My only rule is for him to stay away from any girls that I know and we're good. He is the demise of the hope for good guys everywhere. Sincerity has left the building. And, ironically he said he would punch anyone out that would behave in this same way towards me. He said, I'm not dumb so it wouldn't happen. But, when you like someone and they say something nice to you, you're gonna wanna believe it. And, why wouldn't you? You don't want to believe EVERY SINGLE dude out there is running game.

But up to a certain point in life, looks like they are.